This devlog will be shorter than usual and it’s likely that the next ones will be too. I don’t exactly feel comfortable talking about personal stuff here, but it has a direct impact on this project so I guess it’s fair to be frank about it: My mother has been admitted to the hospital last week, and has been diagnosed with a breast cancer that has already spread to the spine. I spent most of my time at said hospital, and I am going to do the same next weeks and most probably months too at another hospital where she will be treated as best as it’s possible. So, yeah.. It’s not exactly the best summer I can think of. I still code a bit at night because it’s basically the only other thing I can still somewhat focus on lately. But I am very far from my former 8 or so hours a day, and I am not exactly in the right mindset to write lengthy articles..
So I am not sure when the beta version will be ready, but I will still piece together the current in-house alpha and release it, probably during this week if I manage to find some time to do so.
Anyway, sorry for this rather grim introduction and let’s get to the recent improvements.