As you may have noticed, we moved to a new paid host at OVH (great hosting company with good prices by the way). We have now a real domain name, and it should be much faster and way more reliable than the old website ever was. If you are following me via the RSS feed, do not to forget to update the address with this new one.
Also, the official forum is now open ! I know it’s a bit early to do so, and it’s fairly empty but installing it was a matter of a few clicks, so why not ? 🙂
I am still in the process of updating links and it’s a fairly daunting task, tons of stuff to update from my 3 previous hosts. So, if you notice something missing or still referring to the old website, please let me know in the comments, just post the link to the missing link / asset / image / file and i will correct it as soon as possible.