June Progress Update

Anarkis Gaming

Hello there! For once, I’m roughly on time for this month’s devlog. I will mostly discuss After The Collapse’s development and pricing. I will also go over the Steam Summer Sale debacle. For those of you who receive this post through our newsletter, the versions 0.5.8 and 0.5.9 got released in the last couple weeks, you might want to check so posts as well.

Anyway, let’s start! 🙂

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December Progress Update

Anarkis Gaming

Hello there! Been a while since the last post. I’ve been extremely busy updating After The Collapse.Most patch related updates have been posted on the respective stores instead. With the weekly patch schedule, copy-pasting the change-logs every week seemed redundant. So, instead, here’s a meaty post summarizing our progress, our plans for 0.5, and various other news and announcements. It’s not entirely tied to ATC, I have a lot to say about Steam, so even if the game isn’t your cup of tea, it might be worth a read.

Enjoy! 🙂

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After The Collapse 0.4.0 released on Steam

We are proud to announce that After The Collapse is available on Steam Early Access!

Please, do not forget that is the first public version and we are in Early Access. In other words, it’s only the beginning. Regular patches and updates will follow on a regular basis. Our next article will detail what the future holds for the game. Meanwhile, don’t hesitate to come to the discord channel or to the Steam community forums for help, to post suggestions, discuss the game, or yell at us (in a calm, polite fashion) in general.


Next project and Steam Direct

Anarkis Gaming

Hi there, been a while.

This post is going to be fairly long. I will talk about Unending Galaxy, the recent changes to Steam’s review system and Greenlight and how they impact my studio. Finally we’re going to talk a bit about the game I am currently working on. I also hope you’re enjoying the new website design. It’s still a work in progress, be sure to tell me if there’s something amiss.

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