Well, it seems like I can post one last devlog before the release date! We should release After The Collapse between the 4th and 9th of October depending on some external factors. The devlog is going to be a bit shorter than usual, but I really wanted to showcase the last 2 missing features: Expeditions and Trading. I mean, a truckload of other things have been implemented, improved and fixed. But going over the last month of coding would spoil some of the fun. And quite frankly, too much has been done for me to list every single little detail.
But, before that, a few announcements are in order! Firstly, I just opened the ATC Wiki. it’s extremely bare-bone presently, but this is where the complete documentation will end up, the same way I did for Unending Galaxy. Secondly, we have a discord channel now! You can join by clicking this link (and waiting a bit, so you won’t have any other choice than reading the rules). I can’t promise i’ll be on 24/24 obviously, but it’s a good way to catch me in a less formal context.
That’s about it for now. Let’s get to the devlog 🙂